Values-Based Donor Qualification
We know you’re looking for ways to center your community and move as much money to mission as possible. You want to be sure that your donors are part of your community – not the center of it. You’re committed to fundraising in a way that creates a more just and equitable community.
We’ve got your back.
In Values-Based Qualification, a Free Community Training, we’ll share what's worked for us to center an organization's values to guide your decisions about who you include in your one-to-one fundraising portfolio.
After the training, you’ll be able to: 
Explain why a donor qualification plan is important to focusing your fundraising and moving more money to mission 
Determine how your organization's values guide the type of donor qualification plan you choose 
Understand more about community-centric fundraising and how values-based methods can be an on-ramp to practices rooted in equity 
Take action on values-based donor qualification tools that work for your organization 
Presented by Laura Vitelli and Sarah Staiger of SVA
Your presenters have made the big mistakes and celebrated the bigger wins from building power with organized people and organized money. Now we have a fundraising framework that offers you more money for mission and more ease and joy in your work--and Values-Based Donor Qualification is a big part of it. With 50 years' experience and over 8 figures raised for mission-driven organizations, we're spilling all we know so that you can move more money to mission, center your community and live up to your values.

Sign me up to hear about the next Free Community Training on Values-Based Donor Qualification.

How did it go?
Did you try out the script and jump into Values-based Donor Qualification? Still feeling hesitant or have a question about how to start?
Let us know. We've got you.